LISTING: Courses
The 8 Week Lifestyle Medicine Course for Physicians

Did you go into medicine to thrive, and to help your patient’s thrive?
But instead, you’re finding…

Chronic disease is burdening you, your family, your staff, and your patients.
You’re burning out, disillusioned, or feeling disconnected as a physician.
You’re tired of patients never making a single lifestyle change you recommend.
Your patients are feeling like nothing’s working to make healthy lifestyle changes or weight loss, and they can’t sustain anything.
If any of this rings true for you like it did for me, I’ll show you how to reverse it with Lifestyle Medicine and effective behavior change strategies and coaching practices.

Get everything you need to start implementing Lifestyle Medicine with your clients and patients, in just 8 weeks.

Learn all the evidence-based essentials to put Lifestyle Medicine right into practice, while getting your patients to more readily adopt your lifestyle recommendations for improved outcomes no matter your specialty.

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Heather Hammerstedt, MD, MPH

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Good faith attempts at accuracy. The Physician Project LLC has compiled information about listings and their owners. Each listing has been assigned a category and two topics. Information including social media links were gathered from public sources and represents a good faith effort to provide a comprehensive and organized directory of resources for physicians and physicians-in-training.

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