Uncompromising Intimacy: Turn Your Marriage Into A Deeply Satisfying, Passionate Partnership

Are you in a sexless marriage? Wanting more passion and intimacy and afraid that without it you’ll end up divorced? Do you yearn to fall in love again...adored, cherished, and enjoying the feeling that comes with knowing your partner is deeply devoted to you?
A wife of 28 years and a mother of 4, Alexandra Stockwell, MD started her career as a medical doctor and went on to become a Relationship and Intimacy Expert. She has coached hundreds of men and women to transform their relationships and in this book she will help you too.
You'll learn how to:
~ Escape the trap of being roommates with your spouse
~ Make love as if you’re on your honeymoon
~ Fall deeply in love again, no matter how distant you are today
~ Move from sexless and affection starved to cherished and adored
~ Learn to communicate so you and your partner are working towards the same goals
~ Create and maintain a sensual, intimate, dynamic relationship
~ Be a role model for your kids so they know what a great relationship looks like
Evoking Brene Brown, Esther Perel, and a voice that is uniquely her own, Alexandra Stockwell’s writing is part inspiration, part practical application, and part invitation to a new world view--one where you get to bring all of who you are into your relationship and be loved because of it. You know what you want, so get this book now and learn how to create it!
Have hot, passionate, and deeply satisfying sex with your partner, and fall in love all over again.
Date: February 11, 2020
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