Patients deserve healthy doctors, and we deserve happiness and fulfillment in our lives and our careers. Some physicians feel frustrated and trapped, while others have invented creative options for themselves.

These physicians should meet!

This website aims to point physicians with questions toward physicians with ideas, in an organized and interactive way. More ABOUT THE FOUNDER here.

Do you crave more flexibility in your career?

Feeling guilty because you want to decrease your clinical hours?

Love medicine but don’t like your job?

Discover resources for physicians

What pitfalls should new medical graduates avoid?

Which side-gigs are ideal for practicing physicians?

How can we regain control of our time?

Expand your physician audience

The Physician Project is designed for medical trainees and graduates (MD/DO) in the US. Our target audience is doctors. 

 DOCTORS who are 

  • dissatisfied with the status quo 
  • curious to explore new options 
  • seeking support in navigating transitions in their careers 

The Physician Project strives for the day when the training, the culture, and the delivery of medical care are no longer detrimental to the health and well-being of physicians. 

Until that day arrives, we want every physician and physician-in-training to know exactly where to go to find the inspiration, the advice, and the community that they desire. 

Winter 2024 – 2025

  • Reorganization of 7 categories and 22 topics
  • Developing Physician FAQs where physicians answer each other’s questions
  • Adding advertising options for Project Partners, MORE HERE

Summer 2025 (official launch)

  • New influencers invited to add listings

The Physician Project LLC does not provide personal coaching or individual consultations. The information compiled on this website is for general informational and educational purposes only and is NOT a substitute for professional advice of any kind.

No conflict of interest. The Physician Project LLC does not receive any financial incentive or any kind of monetary reward for sharing the products, services, or events of influencers. If approved, all “listings” can be found by browsing the topic and category pages. Access to all listings is free for users and influencers. Influencers can pay to have their listings “featured.” Featured listings are presented a second time at the top of the topic or category pages where the original listings are found. Thus, all listings are free and select featured listings require a (monthly) fee. Fee schedule TBD.

Connect to outside sites at your own risk. The Physician Project LLC does not endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any information offered by third-party websites linked through the site or any website or feature linked in any banner or other advertising. The external links might be outdated or broken.

Good faith attempts at accuracy. The Physician Project LLC has compiled information about listings and their owners. Each listing has been assigned a category and two topics. Information including social media links were gathered from public sources and represents a good faith effort to provide a comprehensive and organized directory of resources for physicians and physicians-in-training.

Fair use. Images are intended to enhance listing pages and increase the use of the resource, e.g., book covers. Permission was obtained from individuals to use their headshots and company logos.