Alexandra Stockwell, MD




Alexandra Stockwell, MD, aka “The Intimacy Doctor,” is an Intimate Marriage Expert with a mission to change the cultural narrative around long-term relationships from one of ongoing stagnation and compromise to the delectable joy and deep gratification a couple feels while building passion and excitement on a daily basis.

Married for 28 years to her physician husband, Rodd, Dr. Alexandra has mastered the skills needed to bring pleasure and purpose into all aspects of life— from the daily grind of running a household to creating ecstatic experiences in the bedroom–and now she teaches others how to do so too!

Dr. Alexandra offers online do-at-your-own-pace courses to help couples discover their deepest desires and learn the nuanced art of communicating and connecting on the most intimate level. She also works with clients one-on-one for a more elite and customized approach.

She is the author of Uncompromising Intimacy, the host of the “Intimate Marriage Podcast”, and the creator of the Aligned & Hot Marriage program.

Follow Dr. Alexandra to embark on a journey to stop compromising, make your deepest desires come true, and enjoy more authentic pleasure and spice in your marriage and in your life.



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Uncompromising Intimacy: Turn Your Marriage Into A Deeply Satisfying, Passionate Partnership

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